We are an online emergency services roleplay community, based on the Roblox game, Emergency Response: Liberty County. We seek to cultivate a roleplay experience that is the perfect combination of fun, education, and realism. In our community, players can join and emulate various career paths, such as law enforcement, emergency medicine, fire rescue, justice, transportation, business ownership, and more! We strive for our community to be as realistic, amicable, organized, and educational as possible.

Code Zero Liberty County is owned and operated by a humble group of talented individuals. The creator, Nico123o, opened the community on February 3rd of 2019. While it remains under his ownership, along his side are diligent stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. Most if not all department leaders have real-life experience in their career path and provide us the opportunity to create a realistic representation of the career path they specialize in. ​
Something was lacking in the populous industry of online roleplay; Many new communities struggle to create an experience that retains the interest of young minds. These communities struggle to incorporate the elements of fun, realism, and education that teenagers need. We found that focusing too much on one element over the others turns them away. Young adults need a place where learning isn't just lecturing. They need an incentive to take it seriously while never letting it become too personal. Lastly, they need to learn relevant concepts without excessive detail. Come, Code Zero Liberty County. Our mission was to create a community that could encompass all those traits all at once, something few communities can master. Pretending to be something you want has never been so much cooler.

Members here are most successful when they have integrity. People who show honesty and morality develop great trust among the community. Carry yourself respectfully and responsibly. You will also make a great leader, as we do not praise corruption, nepotism, or similar forms of dishonesty.
Dedication goes hand-in-hand with consistency. One may have a great skill set, but without dedication, one won't excel in the ranks. When you dedicate your time, we acknowledge that you care about our community and its well-being.
We don't believe experience comes from immediate knowledge. Experience is gained over time, and cannot be compared to textbook knowledge. Before one earns a leadership position here, they must be patient and work their way up through hard work and dedication.
As we know, every community is plagued with something known as Failure to Roleplay, or the failure of someone to properly roleplay with other players. What matters is how each community combats this issue. In our community, we implement numerous measures to make sure FRP is a thing of the past. During a roleplay session, a moderator is always present to settle disputes between players and enforce rules. Prior to entering a session, players go through a ride-along process with experienced members to learn the ways of proper roleplay. Before entering a specialized role, such as a police officer, the player must go through necessary training before they can execute their duties. An online rule book is accessible through our website so that all players are informed on the rules of roleplay. CZLC boasts a low rate of FRP.