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Upon completion and approval of your Civilian character on SonoranCAD, you will receive a beautiful "new civilian" role!


Our community utilizes this role to signify that those in possession of it are new to the community and may require some guidance or supervision. Yes, we understand that some new members may be experienced with roleplay already, but it is important to recognize that every group is different. Learn our ways, grasshopper!

Our commitment to quality

Our community strongly believes in a friendly and educational roleplay experience. In 2021, the founder introduced the ride along program to give new civilians an opportunity to better assimilate into the community by building relationships early and establishing a strong roleplaying foundation informed by our values and practices. This is done with the goal of mitigating the occurrence of failed roleplay scenarios and poor behavior. 


Since it's implementation, the community has seen drastic reductions in failed roleplay scenarios per session and reports of poor behavior per scenario!


Judging by the success of the program, we believe that no matter the depth or length of experience one may have with roleplay, the ride along program is essential and will benefit new members in terms of roleplaying and beyond!

About the program

On November 27th of 2022, the founder appointed Executive Assistant QuagDev to oversee the program. Following his appointment, QuagDev hired DaisieGames, the Lead Mentor, to supervise the operations and performance of the program.


It is their goal to make sure that ride alongs are conducted at every roleplay session. Ride alongs are conducted by trained civilians whom we refer to as mentors. Upon arrival to a roleplay session, the SSU technician will assign a mentor to you, unless you reserve a ride along with a specific mentor prior to the roleplay session.


To reserve a ride along with one of our talented mentors, contact the mentors ahead of time via their Discord direct messages. Scroll down to learn more about the mentors.

Our people

This would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of the various mentors and supervisors that make up the team! If you have question regarding this program, please feel free to reach out to them. 

Lead Mentor
Mentor Team
Program restrictions

While in the ride along program, new civilians must abide by certain rules to remain in compliance with community policy.


While you are a new civilian, you may not:​

  1. apply for an agency or a business,

  2. attend a roleplay session without mentor supervision.


MISBEHAVING DURING RIDE ALONGS OR VIOLATING THE RESTRICTIONS will result in an extended ride along or removal from the community. 


Program requirements

Though we love our new civilians, it is our dream to see you pass our program and become a successful roleplayer and a productive member. Our program is not designed for you to be with us forever! 


To graduate the ride along program, a new civilian must:​


  1. ride along with a mentor for a total of two hours,

  2. pass all ride along evaluations according to their mentor(s).​



RIDE ALONG HOURS DO NOT NEED TO BE COMPLETED CONSECUTIVELY: If you must leave during a ride along, do not worry! You may continue where you left off at the next session you attend with a mentor.


​ONCE YOU GRADUATE: You may roleplay on your own and contribute to the community by applying for jobs!


Become a mentor

Do you think you're capable to take on the challenge that is being a new civilian mentor? We appreciate your desire to develop the next generation of roleplayers! In an effort to maintain high quality employment, there are several requirements a member must meet prior to communicating his or her intent to become a mentor. 


Before attempting to become a mentor, an applicant must:​


  1. be a community member for at least 47 days,

  2. be a community member in good standing (little to no misbehavior on record),​

  3. have an advanced understanding of roleplaying mechanics,

  4. have a general understanding of how to teach others.



HAVING RULE VIOLATIONS ON YOUR RECORD may affect the likelihood of your acceptance.


​IF YOU MEET THE REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY please reach out to QuagDev#8323


That's all folks!

That is all you need to know about the ride along program! If you have any questions about the program, feel free to ask our mentors or supervisors! We hope that you have a fantastic time in our community and during your ride alongs. We cannot wait to see you at the next roleplay session!

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